
Sunday, June 9, 2013

5 Blissful Years

This past Friday, Bryan and I celebrated our 5th anniversary. 5 years...I feel like we've gotten a lot done  in 5 years. I am forever thankful to be married to a man that gets me. Not only does he get me, he loves me as I am. You all know I'm crazy. Always have been, always will be. But this man has chosen to love me in all  crazy times and my occasional normal moments too. He has given me my most treasured role in my life, that of a wife and mother. I've never been as happy as I am right now. Having three very young children has its challenges. But I wouldn't want to imagine my life without each of them. They are our everything and we adore them. My Bryan has changed my life forever! And I love that he still holds my hand every where and calls and texts me randomly throughout the day cause he misses me and I still get excited everyday when I know he's on his way home! All I wanted for our anniversary was some new pictures of our family at the temple and a few pictures of the two of us. Taking pictures with little kids can be stressful. And I haven't met a man that actually enjoys the process of taking pictures. So for my anniversary he never complained and did everything I asked him, in regards to posing and taking pictures. Dare I say he was helpful and pleasant and acted happy to be taking pictures. I LOVE HIM!!! These are some of my favorites.

Benjamin, 3 1/2 years old

Samuel, 5 months

Jamie, 2 years old

Family Picture that makes me laugh...cause it reminds me of our last family picture at the temple...

This was the best family picture last time. Look how little Jamie was. And I love that she is screaming!

A family picture where everyone is looking up!

After the temple, we went to the Dallas Arboretum. I love tress that form arches. Love this picture!!!

Pictures out at my parents house. These are three of my favorites.


  1. Such beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! What a happy five years it's been for you two :)
